410 Items found containing: T
1. | Tackling climate misinformation with AI Author: Ζάραγκα, Ευτυχία, Zaragka, Eftychia Date: 31-03-2024 |
2. | Tackling the cold start problem in product recommendation systems Author: Nikas, Athanasios, Νίκας, Αθανάσιος Date: 12/03/2021 |
3. | Tagging in social media texts: a deep learning approach for Greek language data on social web Author: Μυλωνά, Ειρήνη, Mylona, Eirini Date: 07-03-2024 |
4. | Taking inventory of contemporary economic theory Author: Anagnos, Nicholas C. Date: 1967 |
5. | Talent inflow across countries Author: Farndale, Elaine, Panayotopoulou, Leda Date: 2020 |
6. | Talent management και αμοιβές ταλαντούχων εργαζομένων στην Ελλάδα Author: Μπάρκα, Κωνσταντινιά, Στόλη, Κατερίνα Date: 2005 |
7. | Tank allocation in bulk shipping Author: Petropoulos, Panagiotis, Armeniakos, Konstantinos Date: 30-10-2024 |
8. | Tax havens and income inequality: the hidden dimension of globalization Author: Psomatakis, Theodosios, Ψωματάκης, Θεοδόσιος Date: 02/26/2021 |
9. | Taxes - concepts and analysis Author: Siskos, Matthaios, Σίσκος, Ματθαίος Date: 12/03/2020 |
10. | Technical analysis and the stochastic properties of stock returns Author: Choupa, Sotiria Date: 12/03/2020 |
11. | Technical trading strategies and empirical results Author: Klokanas, Konstantinos, Κλοκανάς, Κωνσταντίνος Date: 28-02-2022 |
12. | Techniques and systems for online and distributed database processing Author: Bornea, Mihaela Ancuta Date: 2010 |
13. | Technology start-up business plan in tourism sector Author: Katrakis, Emmanouil, Kokolakis, Emmanouil Date: 2010 |
14. | Technology, education and income inequality Author: Manos, Athanasios, Μάνος, Αθανάσιος Date: 09/30/2021 |
15. | Temporal aggregation Gqarch(1,1) Author: Γκουτζιομήτρος, Νικόλαος Date: 22-01-2015 |
16. | TEST Author: Γκουτζιομήτρος, Νικόλαος Date: 22-01-2015 |
17. | Test of validity of three factor and five factor Fama & French models for US energy sector Author: Βάρσος, Κωνσταντίνος, Varsos, Konstantinos Date: 27-09-2023 |
18. | test Trer Author: Βάρσος, Κωνσταντίνος, Varsos, Konstantinos Date: 27-09-2023 |
19. | test zip Author: Elen, Af Date: 11/14/2016 |
20. | testEnraaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddddde Author: Elen, Af Date: 01/30/2017 |
21. | testEnraaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddddde Author: Elen, Af Date: 01/30/2017 |
22. | testEnraaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddddde Author: Elen, Af Date: 01/30/2017 |
23. | testEnraaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddddde Author: Elen, Af Date: 01/30/2017 |
24. | testEnraaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddddde Author: Elen, Af Date: 01/30/2017 |
25. | testEnraaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddddde Author: Elen, Af Date: 01/30/2017 |
26. | testEnraaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddddde Author: Elen, Af Date: 01/30/2017 |
27. | testEnraaaaaaaaaa bbbbbbbbbb cccccccccc dddddddddde Author: Elen, Af Date: 01/30/2017 |
28. | testErgasia Author: Elen, Af Date: 03/03/2017 |
29. | Testing for Alpha of the major hedge fund industries Author: Λέγκου, Ιωάννα, Legkou, Ioanna Date: 12/24/2020 |
30. | Testing for non-stationary stochastic seasonality with an application to the greek inflation Author: Μπούρα, Θεονύμφη Ι., Boura, Theonymfi I. Date: 12/24/2020 |
31. | Testing for prospect and Markowitz stochastic dominance efficiency Author: Arvanitis, Stelios, Topaloglou, Nikolas Date: 03/13/2017 |
32. | Testing the goodness of fit of a vector autoregressive model Author: Κλειδέρη, Μαρία, Kleideri, Maria Date: 03/13/2017 |
33. | Testing the relation between price-to-earnings ratio and stock returns in the Athens stock exchange Author: Στεφανής, Λάμπρος Date: 09-2005 |
34. | Text analysis of the speech of greek politicians Author: Houndas, Ioannis L. Date: 2002 |
35. | Text analytics: identifying contact reason based on the call content Author: Woznialis, Laura Date: 31-03-2020 |
36. | Text classification for the detection of food recalls Author: Χασάπης, Αλέξανδρος, Chasapis, Alexandros Date: 31-10-2020 |
37. | Text classification to automatically detect hazards in foods from official announcements and social media Author: Papadatos, Emmanouil, Παπαδάτος, Εμμανουήλ Date: 12/03/2021 |
38. | Textual analysis in finance: the cases of mergers and initial public offerings Author: Κατσαφάδος, Απόστολος, Katsafados, Apostolos G. Date: 2021 |
39. | The "Exxon Valdez" accident and its impact in the marine insurance industry Author: Mylona, Kyriaki-Stamatia, Perskefa, Souela Date: 30-09-2023 |
40. | The "paperless" company milestone: the case of a major Greek technology company Author: Βλάχου, Δέσποινα Date: 10/27/2021 |
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