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Τιμητικός τόμος καθηγήτριας Νάνσυ Παπαλεξανδρή: ανθολόγιο διοίκησης ανθρώπινου δυναμικού, οργανωσιακής συμπεριφοράς και διοίκησης επιχειρήσεων
Date: 2020
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Varieties of crisis and working conditions in Greece and Serbia
Author: Psychogios, Alexandros, Szamosi, Leslie T.
Date: 2020
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Talent inflow across countries
Author: Farndale, Elaine, Panayotopoulou, Leda
Date: 2020
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Financial participation and institutional change in Greece, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and the UK
Author: Bücker, Joost, Poutsma, Erik
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Exploring the concept of HR image through line managers’ perception of HRM
Author: Panayotopoulou, Leda, Nikandrou, Irene
Date: 2020
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Re-examining the relationship between core job characteristics and employee presenteeism in a sample of Greek public and private employees
Author: Ntalianis, Filotheos
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HRM and employee performance for an ageing workforce: a qualitative study
Author: Galanaki, Eleanna, Pahos, Nikolaos
Date: 2020
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Ιστοσελίδες κοινωνικής δικτύωσης και αντιδράσεις υποψηφίων στην προσέλκυση και επιλογή προσωπικού
Author: Τσώνη, Ευδοκία, Νικολάου, Ιωάννης
Date: 2020
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Η κρίση ως ευκαιρία για μια νέα στρατηγική στη διαχείριση των ανθρώπινων πόρων της δημόσιας διοίκησης
Author: Κτιστάκη, Σταυρούλα
Date: 2020
10. |
Ολιστικό μοντέλο προσέγγισης της διαχείρισης ανθρώπινου δυναμικού
Author: Κωνσταντόπουλος, Νικόλαος
Date: 2020
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Living and leading consciously: a road map for moving from toxic to virtuous leadership
Author: Singh, P., Bhandarker, Asha
Date: 2020
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The captivator leader: leading greatly with ethos, pathos and logos
Author: Agapitou, Vasia, Bourantas, Dimitris
Date: 2020
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Public service motivation, job satisfaction and organizational commitment among greek public sector employees
Author: Iordanoglou, Dimitra, Krompa, Anna
Date: 2020
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Antecedents and consequences of silence at work: an exploratory study
Author: Vakola, Maria, Lazanaki, Vera
Date: 2020
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Discrepancy between ideal and actual caring culture: effects on employee commitment and satisfaction
Author: Galanaki, Eleanna, Papagiannakis, Giorgos
Date: 2020
16. |
Leadership in the digital era: learning from the past and challenges for the future
Author: Prastacos, Gregory P.
Date: 2020
17. |
On societal culture and leadership in Greece
Author: Skouras, Thanos
Date: 2020
18. |
Perceived disinterested support and outcomes: a view through the lenses of perceived organizational support and organizational virtuousness’ perceptions
Author: Nikandrou, Irene, Tsachouridi, Irene
Date: 2020
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Η σύγχρονη θεματική των θεωριών της ηγεσίας
Author: Χυτήρης, Λεωνίδας, Χυτήρη, Αλεξάνδρα
Date: 2020
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Regional CSR policies and SME’s CSR actions: mind the gap: the case of the tourism SMEs in Crete
Author: Apospori, Eleni
Date: 2020